Deck lattice with 0.25 inch internal screen installation to prevent mice and snakes.

Attic fan vent exposed.

Attic fan after roof vent guard installation.

Attic fan damage caused by squirrels.

Attic fan repair with metal guard addition.

Bathroom exhaust pipe exposed.

Bathroom exhaust pipe after pipe cover installation.

Cable entry gap.

Cable entry after foam seal.

Exposed chimney allows for bats, raccoons, or squirrels to enter and nest.

Chimney after chimney cap installation to prevent squirrels, raccoons, and bats.

Custom door installation for crawlspace entrance.

Ridge vent damage caused by animal entry.

Exposed deck lattice allows for mice, snakes, and racoons to enter.

Deck lattice after external screen barrier wall installation to prevent wildlife entry.

Driveway foundation after dig defense installation to prevent critter residence.

Driveway foundation gap allows mice, snakes, and other critters to take residence.

Exposed dryer vent provides a place for birds to nest.

Dryer vent after bird guard metal cover installation.

Exposed exhaust vent provides a place for birds to nest.

Exhaust vent after bird guard cover installation.

Fascia board gap.

Fascia board after foam seal.

Foundation trim gap.

Foundation trim after white silicone seal.

Clogged gutters providing a water source for squirrels.

Gutters after leaf solutions installation.

Exposed louver vent.

Louver vent after metal screen installation.

Exposed microwave vent.

Microwave vent after metal screen installation.

Rake board return damage cause by animal entry.

Rake board return wood replacement and metal wrap addition.

Ridge vent repair with metal cover installation.

Ridge vent gaps allow squirrels to get into attics.

Ridge vent after metal screen installation to protect squirrel entry.

Roof corner damage caused by animal entry.

Roof corner repair.

Roof edge gap can allow squirrels and small rodents to enter the attic.

Roof edge after drip edge installation to prevent squirrels and small rodents.

Roof end after silicone seal application.

Roof end gap.

Roof return repair using a metal pocket.

Roof return damage caused by animal entry.

Exposed roof vent.

Roof vent after metal guard installation.

Exposed window shutters give bats a temporary residence.

Window shutters after screen seal installation to prevent bat residence.

Exposed siding corner.

Siding corner after metal cover installation.

Siding gaps allow for ants and small bugs to enter the home.

Siding after metal wrap addition with silicone seal to prevent bug entry.

Exposed soffit vent with animal entry due to weak thin screen.

Soffit vent after 0.25in galvanized steel mesh installation.